The festive season is such a beautiful time of the year. However, when we are not careful, it tends to be the most unhealthy time of the year… unfortunately ending up in unnecessary weight gain and fatigue. This can be easily avoided by making a few small changes. Learn how you can enjoy this blissful time of the year in a healthy way with these simple tips.
1) Do not turn a treat meal into a treat day or week
You had a treat? No problem… I hope you enjoyed it! Treat meals and snacks are part of a sustainable healthy lifestyle. You totally deserve a treat once while, especially during the festive season. However be mindful no to turn a treat meal into a treat day or even a treat week! Make it a non-negotiable to have a nutritious healthy start of the day… rather than skipping breakfast or having chocolate or cake left from a party. Remember to prepare healthy snacks or have a yummie protein bar and bring them along with a water bottle when you are leaving the house. Be prepared with healthy options. If we fail to plan, we plan to fail 😉
2) Be active with family and friends
Christmas holidays tend to be spent rather sedentary for many of us, either on the couch or at the dining table. An activity as simple as a family walk can provide so many benefits as it will get your mind off food (and screens) and allow you to bond with your loved ones.
3) Don`t leave home with an empty stomach
Who knows the saying ‘when our stomach is empty, our eyes get bigger’? … Indeed, when we are hungry (or hangry lol) we crave for carbs and tend to make unhealthy choices and overeat! Some people even believe that ‘saving calories’ by eating very little throughout the day will help them to balance up the extras they will have during a party. The truth is the opposite. When we starve ourselves, our metabolism goes into starvation mode…our body will hold on to fats and ends up burning muscle instead… resulting in overeating during our next meal as we crave more, especially for carbohydrate dense foods.
The solution is to start your day with a healthy nutritious breakfast, as mentioned before, and keep to balanced healthy snacks and meals throughout the day. Having a healthy protein rich snack or a nutrition shake before going out for dinner or a party will help you considerably in making healthier choices. You will be able to enjoy the delicious festive food without overeating and feeling guilty (and food-hangover) afterwards.
4) Limit liquid calories
Liquid calories such as sodas, juices and alcohol tend to be abundant during the festive season.
These beverages can contribute a significant amount of sugar, empty calories and additives to your diet, which contribute to weight gain and health issues.
Additionally, alcohol consumption is linked to dehydration, increased appetite and gaining body fat (especially the dangerous visceral fat which accumulate around our waistline).
If you want to enjoy the festive season in a healthy way, it is best to limit liquid calories during the holidays — and all year long, for that matter. Replace sodas with sparkling lemon water (or have a glass of sparkling water with Herbal Aloe Vera added which tastes even better than soda and has many health benefits) and remember to alternate alcohol with water on parties to avoid dehydration.
We tend to get out of our water drinking routine during holidays and festive season. Being mindful and bringing a water bottle wherever you go will make a huge difference. Adding Herbal Beverage to our water will also help with a well-needed boost in our metabolism and extra energy while keeping up our hydration.
5) Dare to say no
We are responsible for what goes into our bodies, nobody else. We tend to blame ‘social pressure’ from friends and family for drinking a bit more then we should or having those seconds when we were full already. However, none of your friends and family will ever love you less if you choose to respect your body and live a healthier lifestyle… many of them may even be inspired by you! So dare to say no to the drinks and food that are not in alignment with your health goals and be that inspiration for your friends and family.
6) Yes to turkey… ditch the carbs
Holiday meals are typically rich in carbs but lack protein.
It’s important to include some protein with every meal, as it promotes fullness,avoids typical energy dips after meals, increases our metabolism and helps us to shape up. In fact, eating protein with meals may assist to reduce calorie intake by reducing hunger and appetite.
To enjoy these benefits, you should include at least 20 grams of protein in each meal and at least 10 g of protein in each snack. Choose for complex carbohydrates such a vegetables and have plenty of them (eat the colors of the rainbow), however limit the amount of starchy and processed carbs such as bread, potato, pasta, rice, cake, cookies, sweets etc. Good sources of protein include meat, poultry, fish and some plant foods like chickpeas, lentils, edamame and quinoa. Ensure your holiday meals include a serving or two of these foods to enjoy more energy and avoid overindulgence and unnecessary weight gain. You will be surprised how, adding more protein to your main meal will reduce your cravings for a dessert and also the temptation in going for second servings.
7) Bring a healthy plate
Are you asked to bring a plate to a party? Why not bring a healthy plate and show your friends and family that healthy eating can be really yum and festive too? Google is your best friend to get some ideas. For example, use cucumber slices instead of crackers as base for appetizers or make a colorful tasteful salad by adding in tasty ingredients such as roasted beetroot, pumpkin, seeds, nuts and a home-made healthy dressing… or even prepare a guilt-free dessert.
8) Lock in some well-deserved ‘me-time’
The festive season can be a very blissful time however for many it tends to be a very busy time with late nights and lots of events. It might sound surprising however sleep deprivation is common during the festive season. Staying back at work finishing projects before the holiday, last minute shopping, preparing for events etc… leaves us very little time to relax and reflect. Lack of sleep and stress increases our hunger hormone levels, slows down our metabolism and reduces our stamina to get physically active. While the festive season is all about having a precious time with friends and family, make sure you set some time aside for you – yes you! Whether it is spending time in nature, yoga, meditation, spa or massage, reading or writing in a journal. Take a piece of paper and write down your victories for the year, what you are grateful for, and what you would love to achieve in the new year. Recharge and reflect. You deserve it!
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